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2016 Team Preview – Tunkhannock (2)

Written by: on Wednesday, August 17th, 2016. Follow David Mika on Twitter.

Head Coach: Jan Cechaktunkhannocklogo

Assistant Coaches: Colin Golden, Ben Townsley,Paul Grabowski, John Zdaniewicz, Rich Appleby, Bill Prebola, John Slusark, Mark Sickler, Terry Fischer

Team Name: Tunkhannock Tigers

2015 Record: 2-8

2016 Schedule:

Key Starters lost: Brad Webb, Ryan Cywinski, Josh Flaherty, Rick Stevens,Jarod Bernosky

Offensive Starters Return: (9) Sr T John Walsh 6-2 225, JR G Tyler Pugh 5-11 260, Jr T Nate Shirtz 6 220,Sr Wr Brian Muckin 5 11 190, Sr Wr Bryce Steele 5-11 175, Sr Rb Mike Taylor 5-10 175, Jr QB/Rb Logan Cywinski 5-10 215, JR WR Connor Munley 6-3 180, Sr Hunter Hopkins 5-9 175 QB/TE

Defensive Starters Returning: (9) Sr T John Walsh 6-2 225, JR DE Tyler Pugh 5-11 260, Jr DE Nate Shirtz 6 220,Sr DB Brian Muckin 5 11 190, Sr DB Bryce Steele 5-11 175, Sr DB Mike Taylor 5-10 175, Jr OLB Logan Cywinski 5-10 215, Jr S Connor Munley 6-3 180, Sr Hunter Hopkins 5-9 175 LB

Special Team Starters Returning: (2) Brian Muckin KO Xpt and Hunter Hopkins P

Key newcomers: (5) So G/DL Tyler Peterson5;10 255, So FB/LB Matt Ramey 5’11 230, Jr K Billy Prebola 5’8 150,So TE Jake Stevens
6-2 175,So QB Zack Rogers 5’10 165,

Key Stats:
Logan Cywinski had 2nd most yds, 750 6 tds
Brian Muckin led team in receptions

2016 Offensive outlook: (Please let us know the keys about your team on offense. What are your keys to having a successful year?)

Logan is a dual threat for us. If the oline comes together and we stay healthy, we will be competitive each week.

2016 Defensive Outlook: (Please let us know the keys about your team on defense. What are your keys to having a successful year?)

We have an experienced secondary and some strong kids on the line. We need to get out LBs up to speed.

2016 Special Teams Outlook: (Please let us know the keys about your team on special teams. What are your keys to having a successful year?)

Soccer player Billy Prebola is going to be our xpt ko guy. Strong leg and is consistent at 30-35 yd fg.

Hunter Hopkins is back at punter and Mike Taylor is an experienced KOR.

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