February 17 and 18
CBC Campus
331 Anderson Ferry Road
Marietta, PA 17547
Single Coach $90
Staff of 5 or more $425 (up to 8 coaches)
Breakfast and Lunch is provided.
Clinic Director- Anthony Sottasante
Make checks payable to the following:
Anthony Sottasante
621 Country Club Road
York, PA 17403
Friday, February 17
Kickoff Speakers
Frank Leonard
Penn State University
Long Time College and NFL Line Coach
Evaluating and Developing Linemen and Tight Ends
JC Morgan
Head Football Coach
Millersville University
Nuts and Bolts of Turning a Program Around
Brett Myers
Head Football Coach
Twin Valley High School (PA)
Two-Back Spread Run Game Featuring Power Read
Saturday, February 18
Session #1- 8:30-9:20AM
Kevin May
Defensive Coordinator
Seton Hill University
Run Fits in the Flex Defense
Gerry Gallagher
Longtime High School and College Football Coach
Drills and Schemes for Kick, Kick Return, and Punt
Mark Evans
Head Football Coach
Manheim Township High School (PA)
Spread Offense Passing Game and RPO’s
Session #2- 9:30-10:20PM
Tony Demeo
Retired Head College Football Coach
Leadership Development Sets the Foundation
JJ Ortiz
Thaddeus Stevens College
Defensive Coordinator
Creating a Multiple Blitz Game
Matt Gingrich
Head Football Coach
Annville-Cleona High School (PA)
Outside Veer and Belly-G
Session #3- 10:30-11:20AM
JJ Ortiz
Thaddeus Stevens College
Defensive Coordinator
Defensive Fundamentals and Core Principles
Tony Demeo
Retired Head College Football Coach
System for Evaluating Every Aspect of Your Program
Susan Robinson-Fruchtl
Division-1, All-American Women’s Basketball Player and Coach
3-Dimensional Coaching and How to Get the Most out of Your Players
Session #4- 11:30AM-12:20PM
Garry Morrison
Defensive Coordinator
Lampeter-Strasburg High School (PA)
Running the 3-3-5 Defense
Jeff Batzel
Longtime Head Football Coach/Athletic Director
Building Relationships with Administration and Setting Reasonable Expectations
Jeff Burkholder
Longtime Pastor and Coach
Coaching from a Healthy Place–Dealing With Stress and Anxiety of Coaching
Lunch- 12:30-1:30PM (Provided)
Session #5- 1:40-2:30PM
Brian Gallagher
Head Football Coach
Boonton High School (NJ)
Zone Dive
Jeff Burkholder
Longtime Pastor and Coach
Timeless Leadership Principles