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Football Players Committing Early to Colleges

Written by: on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011. Follow David Mika on Twitter.

High School kids are committing to colleges earlier than ever before and in fact about twice the rate from last year. As of today, there have been 33 in-coming, senior players that have committed to play football at a certain college already.

What are the reasons behind this? One of the reasons is a player can focus on their senior season without distraction. Another reason has to do with the talent level of Pennsylvania.  The talent pool is deep next season.

How many kids who commit early will de-commit next year? Let’s hear your opinion on why kids are committing early?

3 Responses

  1. As opposed to a Post Madona? Seriously, that’s a funny post no matter how you slice it. First it’s Prima Donna…the principal female singer of an opera company. That’s a shot because when some one is called a prima donna, they are basically calling them a woman. Then Madona should actually be spelled Madonna…if that is where you’re going with that. That said, I like early commitment. The kids get to concentrate on FB and enjoy their season.

  2. Because there will not be any distractions when the season rolls around. Another thing it shows is they are hard working kids and not “Pre-Madonas” that want people to be riding them until they make a decision.

  3. to have no distractions during the season. if a top division 1 player is undecided at the start of the season and has a big game the local media will focus more on where he plans to attend rather then moving forward with their senior year

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