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Liberty Dismantled Parkland 19-0

Written by: on Friday, November 7th, 2008. Follow Chad Breidinger on Twitter.

Chad Breidinger

Parkland came to BASD stadium trying to get revenge on a 26-23 loss to Liberty in week 2. The result was 3 words. “Time of Possession”

Liberty (10-1) took control of the clock in route to a 19-0 final over Parkland (7-4) in which Liberty’s offensive and defensive lines controlled their respective LOS’s. Most likely the LVC MVP, Anthony Gonzalez, was a man amongst boys in orchestrating his team to arguably their best win of the year.

Liberty reversed the role usually held by Parkland in time consuming drives but was still able to get the big play.

Parkland didn’t get a first down until 33 second left in the first half.  Can we say total domination?

The second half was no different as Liberty ate up the clock on long drives which gave Coach Morgan’s vaunted wing-T no time to get back in the game.

Gonzales had 2 Touchdowns running (1 and 3-yards) while throwing for the 3rd to Pitt-bound Devon Street for 17-yards.

This win sets up a much-anticipated game against Emmaus (10-1) an 28-0 winner over Delaware Valley.  Liberty did not face Emmaus during the regular season.

One Response

  1. I played football for liberty last year and I loved every minute of this game. If you follow the LVC (Lehigh Valley Conference) than you’d know that Parkland has run the wing-t offence for as long as I can remember. I was shocked when I saw Liberty open the game up in the wing-t and running it very effectively. Liberty beat Parkland at their own game using Gonzales athletic ability and Brendan Braders surprise power. GO CANES

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